Sunday Service 10:30am Wednesday Fellowship 7:00pm

Adult Sunday School (Sunday 9:15 am - 10:15 am)
Elder Jim Underwood leads this interactive Bible study before church on Sunday mornings. It's a wonderful way to spend more time learning and discussing God's Word.
Women's Bible Study (Thursday 9:15 am - 11:00 am)
Call Linda Underwood for info at 909-337-1303.
Men's Breakfast (Thursday 7:30 am - 8:30 am)
Come join us Thursday mornings at the Crestline Café. It's a delightful time of food, fellowship, and prayer. All men and boys are welcome!
Pastor Mike will cover breakfast for first-time guests.
Men's Bible Study (Thursday 7:00pm - 8:30pm)
Come join us on Thursday evening for our men's Bible study, where we study different books of the Bible, chapter by chapter, verse by verse.
Family Ministries
Our church desires to partner with parents in the spiritual development of their youth and children by first reminding parents that they are called to be the primary spiritual leaders of their family. Then, as a Christ-Centered community, we come alongside and provide weekly programs to help support the spiritual growth of your youth and children. We highly encourage parents to participate in our youth and children’s gatherings, just talk with our Associate Pastor about how you can get involved. We also offer different family events throughout the year that are designed to foster relationships between the many families in our church.
We provide a fun, focused, and friendly Sunday school program for your children to enjoy. Children join the congregation for worship and a short instruction by our Senior Pastor, then are escorted back to their age-appropriate classroom for a time of joy-filled teaching. We also provide child care for babies and toddlers.
Our goals for your children are to:
#1 Learn Bible stories in the context of the larger biblical timeline.
#2 Gain a spiritual understanding of the faith.
#3 Build foundational friendships.
#4 Grow a servant's heart.
YOUTH GROUP (Thursday 6:30 pm-8:30 pm)
We invite all youth from the mountain community to gather together one night a week for a time of fun, friends, food and instruction in the Word. This is open to Jr. High and High School students. Our typical night begins with a time of connection, then we play a game or two before we move into worship and teaching. After teaching we separate into small groups to check in with each other. After small groups, we spend more time connecting with each other before the night ends.
Our goals for the youth are to:
#1 Understand the spiritual teachings (doctrine) of the scriptures.
#2 Grow in deep Christ-centered relationships with leaders and each other.
#3 Mature in a spiritual relationship with Christ.
#4 Create healthy memories that will help guide them during the difficult seasons of life.